Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How to Have a Great Last Year at School


Owwwh, sudaah bersarang blog ini. kuli2 aku smaken malas nk mengupdate blog ni. so,serahkn tugas ini kpd yg hebat. muahahaahahaa

Yeah~2009, the last year of school..*sigh...so, u wanna have a great last year at school?kau kene bace nih!!hahaha

Step 1 : Become involved in school activities, especially if you’ve avoided them in the past. This is your last year to bask in school spirit and you may regret it if you let the opportunity slip away. Attend football games, pep rallies, school dances and join a club or two.

Step 2 : Continue studying diligently to maintain your grade point average. However, if your school allows it, try to schedule more difficult courses for the first semester. It will be easier to concentrate at the beginning of the year than it will when “senioritis” strikes in the spring.

Step 3 : Expand your circle of friends. This is your last chance to get to know most of your classmates. Be friendly and approachable—you may form friendships with kids you’ve never noticed before. Devise ways to keep in touch with your old pals if you’ll be heading separate ways next year.

Step 4 : Reminisce with friends and teachers. Discuss what you were like when you first started school and realize how far you’ve come. Look through old photos and yearbooks and laugh about inside jokes and relive accomplishments and great adventures.

Step 5 : Design a safe senior prank as your class legacy. Keep the joke legal and completely harmless, however. You don’t want the consequences of a dangerous stunt or act of vandalism haunting you after the year is over.

Step 6 : Investigate your new campus if you’ll be starting at another school after graduation. Familiarize yourself with the layout to discover where you’ll be going to class, eating and possibly living to lessen any apprehension about the coming year.

*cantek kn kale rainbow..haha

haha.i simply copy this post at eHow.com.hehe.who cares?i hope u guys have a great last year at al-amin,ssu,mrsm or whatever ur school is.oh anyway, i dont wanna miss this oppurtunity to wish all of my friends at al-amin,mrsm,wherever u guys are goodluck for the coming SPM exam.only months left...haha..do pray for our success.i hope we'll achieve whatever our dreams are for spm and for our life.insya Allah.amin.till then~ (* sorry if my english su***,cek pon nk try speaking..haha)

~eL Zahra the kalut~

Sunday, September 21, 2008



wow, nampaknya semakin rancak form 4. semua dah ada blog. maju maju, teruskan kemajuan anda. sadly, nowadays ramai yang tak sihat! kenapa ah? demam puasa? demam raya? demam exam? pity them who's ill physically I meant. get well soon! lagi seminggu je sekolah sebelum raya dan seminggu sahaja cuti sebelum memulakan persekolahan semula dan 2 minggu sahaja sebelum peperiksaan akhir tahun dan sebulan sahaja sebelum memasuki form 5. begitu cepat masa berlalu.

tak sabar rasanya nak habis sekolah. tak perlu bangun awal pagi nak bersiap pergi sekolah. tapi still kena bangun awal untuk solat subuh ye! tak perlu terkejar-kejar nak siapkan homework .tak perlu tidur lambat-lambat nak siapkan report, assignments, presentations. tak perlu susun buku untuk sekolah. tak perlu gosok uniform sekolah. tak perlu ikat tali kasut (yang strap tak perlu cerita). tak perlu kena denda kalau lambat sampai. tak perlu kena marah kalau tak siap homework. yang penting tak perlu pergi sekolah hari sabtu! hahaha. pendek kata, tak perlu buat banyak benda yang perlu dibuat sekarang. so in order to enjoy what's mentioned, we have to struggle and work hard on them now. later comes satisfaction.

tapi, tak semua kita tak perlu buat. semakin besar, semakin banyak lah tanggungjawab. kalau sebelum ni semua parents yang uruskan. selepas ni, semua diri sendiri kena tanggung. kalau senang senang la. kalau susah susah la jawabnya. nak mengeluh pun mengeluh la seorang diri. satu hari nanti bila jumpa kawan-kawan satu sekolah, mesti rindu zaman persekolahan. mesti tak habis habis cerita about "precious moments" and "the most humiliating moment ever". haha.

masa tu memang rasa macam nak pergi sekolah balik. rindu nak buat semua benda benda yang awal awal rasa macam tak suka sangat nak buat! paling rindu nak makan dengan kawan, belajar dengan kawan, gelak dengan kawan, buat jahat dengan kawan, buat baik dengan kawan, pergi surau dengan kawan, pergi kantin dengan kawan, pergi tandas dengan kawan, makan dalam kelas dengan kawan, tidur dalam kelas dengan kawan, kacau kawan dengan kawan dan buat semua benda dengan kawan. jadi sementara masih bersama kawan, appreciate them as much as they appreciate u. friends come and go, but best friends, they're always there and will always be.

The Kaluts, we are 7 souls in one body and one mind!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

new layout!

How do u guys like it?
I think it's simple and greeny.
And so much love.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Happy 16th Birthday FETMEH <3

We love u angie. HAHA. Such an unforgettable moment we had.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Wow, can u believe it? We're saying goodbye to august and with a pleasure welcoming september! Just can't imagine how time flies. We're almost at the end of 2008. And that means we're almost seventeen! Thats old. ha ha. No offence. Maybe it's just too good to be true. We look younger than our age. he he. At the moment, still counting days for "a break-fast with fetmeh" end of this week.

Merdeka to my beloved Malaysia.

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan to all muslims around the world.

Love, al amy syera fatima amira pei sajida and fetmeh.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Hey! Been a while since we update this blog. So little while I suppose. We're back to school to proceed our mission, the endless mission. It's great to be back with our best friends and spend most of the time sharing some stories, moaning around, throw out problems and settle it together, messing up among others and get caught snoring or eating or even gossiping in the class. It was fun and hectic. We went through ventures together. Well, we're the muddles! What do u expect us to act like? Miss goody-goody? haha. We are nice and decent though. But who can stand acting like one for the entire day? Don't deny. Cause we know no one could! Some notes :

  • Al is still worrying about her uneven skin tone and flabs.
  • Amy is still geek-ing out with her books and freaking out about Digimon thats going to be strolling on 611!
  • Syera is still in dilemma on which to choose, Phelps or Joe?
  • Fatima amira is still planning about stuffs to do after SPM and english society's coming activities.
  • Pei is still sitting there doing nothing instead of something and talk talk talk.
  • Jida is still not over with her anime and DOTA thingy which we dont even have any idea about it.

How fun it could be? Looking forward for a break-fast together somewhere. And fetmeh's plan is still we carry on. Ramdhan is just around the corner. May ALLAH pour this noble month of Ramadhan with prosperous and bliss. To all PMR and UPSR victims candidates, study hard and play harder. haha

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

school holiday

Heyy mates! How's your school holidays so far? I bet you guys must have been enjoying them. Kami juga. But unfortunately we didn't get to hangout or even spend at least a day together. Well what to expect. It's holiday anyway. Loads of plans to fill the schedule. We should have plan it earlier babes. Its okay. We'll look forward for interesting stuffs to do for the next holiday onwards.

To al, happy stuck-ing.
To amy, happy bio-ing.
To syera, happy shop-ing.
To fatima amira, happy doing your stuffs.
To pei, happy doing your home chores.
To jida, happy vacation-ing.
To fetmeh, happy with everything you're doing.

Missed to laugh together. haha

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Sorry that we're rarely update this blog! So much stuffs going on lately. So much to work on. It's test week anyway. Study is our priority. Yeah big talker. Haha. Whatever it is, we'll try our best to update this blog. Maybe once a week. So it's weekly post. Keep up with The Kaluts (mcm Keeping Up With The Kardashians lah pulak). And school holiday is just around the corner. There's loads of things to write out about us and us and school. Macam macam isu la sekarang. Just wait and don't forget to catch up (mcm lebat). Till then. Toodles!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

being caring is ok, but too caring...

caring?or sometimes if you got too caring, it will lead to busybodiness and that just annoying. mayb on some matters you just have to stay cool and not say much about it cz at the end, you'll find out that it can hurt one's feeling. and to comment one's doings, you have to analyse yourself first cz people might see you as hypcryte as you are doing the exact same thing as the the person you commented. so, just let it be. if you really wanna help someone to be a better person, the right way is to talk face-to-face nicely with him/her cz if your comment is too pushy, you'll end up find out that yourself hated by people aroun' you.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Hot Issue

Last night we had a conversation (msn). Its not among 5 of us tapi ramai gila. Surprisingly everyone knew about the "discrimination" thingy. Woahh. I'm so impressed and grateful that eventually we're all in this together and fight for our justice to stand our rights. How can a smart person don't talk like one? And how can they declare that they're so called philosophers? Walk the talk people. Macam ni ke nak ajar org? Keep pushing and make them suffocate? I don't think it's working, not at all. The least u could do is leave us and give us some space so that we can redeem ourself. It takes time to realize.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Baru balik rehlah! Seronok sangat. Tapi tak best tanpa syera. Tak riuh lah. Tapi masih chaotic whenever amy was around. hehe. Al satu group dengan amy and jida. Macam buyers je. Honestly tak. Its an extra fortunate coincidence okay. Amy balik awal. Malam sabtu. Tinggal la al, ftmra, jida dan pei. Huhu. Lagi lah kurang riuh. Bangun pagi td tak mandi. Semua stok wangi sebab satu bau kan. Program habis lambat. Sebab semua tergedek-gedek jalan pakai kain pelekat. Ah, overall memang enjoy. Dan exhausting. Nak cuti lah esok. hehe

Friday, July 18, 2008


Wahh, haha. Sangat teruja untuk menulis blog buat kali pertama (blog bersama rakan-rakan tercinta). Setelah penat memaksa amy dan syera membuat blog. Akhirnya mereka bersetuju untuk membuat blog bersama. Fatimah Amira belum lagi. Tapi buat saja lah. Saya memang sudah sedia ada. Di sini kami akan berkongsi cerita dan apa-apa sahaja bahan yang menarik untuk dikongsikan bersama anda. Kepada stalker yang ada niat untuk meng"stalk" blog kami di alu-alukan kalau tidak malu. Untuk post yang pertama tiada apa yang menarik untuk dikongsi sekadar briefing yang ringkas dan padat tentang blog ini. Itu sahaja. Sudi-sudilah menjenguk ya n_n

*bunyi mcm endon*

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